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Old versus new The Jews did this...and God did that In Christianity, we have, we are and we believe. The Jews did not have the Holy Spirit Residing in them Christians do |
Neets, the Holy Spirit did not dwell inside the people in the Old Covenant. As a matter of fact the word "faith" is rarely used at all. In its place is the use of "wait upon the lord". You take great extensions trying to say the Holy Spirit does indwell based on that. That is like when Jesus spoke of the widow and her mite that she gave and people try to say he is speaking about tithing, when in actuality he never taught tithing, nor did his disciples. Yes Jordy, the same Holy Spirit visited the Jewish people in the Old Testament.I agree. However people err when they think that today there is a second act. Pentecost was the giving of the Holy Spirit to mankind. For the world to convict them, and to the Christians to comfort and teach all things. He gave us gifts for personal and corporate edification of the body of Christ. To be until Christ returns. But, you will not find tons of places after Acts where it even speaks of a second act. Before Pentecost, there was no Holy Spirit given to believers. Pentecost happened shortly after. But then, every person who receives Christ has the Holy Spirit. Has all of the gifting available as needed. God is not an elitist. There are not havs and have nots. The weaker because all they have is salvation, and the supercharged because of a second act. The word is clear. Spend time in fellowship with God. Spend time renewing your mind. When you put on the full armor it is nothing more than saying, Jesus here I am, live through me today. Better known as abiding. I can show you 50 people on one side that claim a second experience and 50 on the other that say they haven't and both of them will suffer various failures and look just the same without abiding in and renewing each day to Gods' fellowship. Its another example of mans ideas versus the word of God. If this second act were necessary and prominent for today, It would be plastered all over the New Covenant, which are the scriptures after atonement is given, and it is not.