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Tropical_Man 68M
6573 posts
5/4/2008 4:08 am
Names of International scammers

This difficult situation would not take so long to post if it were not for the blatant ignorance of BC Moderators. I have a link to a page where they list names and numbers of scammers. Yet they refuse to allow it despite unsuspecting people here getting scammed from time to time.

If you want the page, you can contact Jean(really saved777) and she can give you my email. I am not here for a "hook Up", and I think wisdom should be used in these situations. If people really wanted to get info from people, all they have to do is exchange it in the chatrooms. Which they do. I am going to do a section at a time.

You can google: Internet-love-scams and its an org

Ghanaian Numbers+223 (names)

Acco - "police officer" associated with Ivy Moore

Aduam MacGodfredson AKA MacGodfredson Aduam

Barrister Benson Kwame

Daniel White

Desmond Lunga

Doris - "neighbour" of Ivy Moore

Dr Jerry Thurmane AKA Jerry Thurmon AKA Gerry Thurmond

Easy Star Tours (Travel Company)


Frank Gyasi Gray

Gladis Brown

Harry Adams AKA Haruna Adamouns

Isaac Darkwa AKA Isaac Danielson

Ivy Moore


Kenneth Onobo

Leon Jermaine

Marcus Ross AKA Daniel Averorh AKA Ralph Akuwu

Mike Steve

Morrison Olaf aka Ken Morrison

Mrs Lovett (police Chief)

Osei Benson

Ray Martin

Richardson Harmond

Robert Gail

Philip Ander Smith

Sandra Asamoah Colliins

Seth Ahey

William Galvin

(Ginny )
3657 posts
5/4/2008 9:00 am

WHEW!!! My names not on the list. They haven't caught on to me yet!!

* Sin is sin. Careful what comes across your lips & out your finger tips!!!
* We are all the Body of Christ. Let's treat each other as such, with the same respect we give to HIM!!
* Relationship advice: DO NOT make someone a PRIORITY, when they ONLY make you an OPTION!!
* A woman's heart should be so lost in God, that a man has to seek HIM in order to find her!!

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
5/4/2008 10:40 am

LOL Jersey. I think I will try and keep this as a sticky

Cassiusclay 64M

5/5/2008 1:15 am

Actually Dennis, that is good info, i could actually recall a few of those names

Gods way is my way,...Clay

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
5/5/2008 5:10 am

I have many more... it just takes time to put them in there

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
5/7/2008 7:29 am

I am going to put up more

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
6/16/2008 1:53 pm

here are some more

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
6/16/2008 2:00 pm

Miscellaneous Numbers

Tatyana Bulygina - )
Liberty Honeyjade Ybanez - (Australia)
Nathan Chukwuma Smart (Benin)
(Cristina Valencia - (Brazil)
Jose Wilson - (Burkina Faso)
Rita Lena - (Ontario, Canada)
Eric Kelvin Richard (Ontario, Canada)
Sammy Collins AKA Jason Cleeves Jr - (China)
Aseelah Sidiqqui - (Cote D'ivoire/Ivory Coast)
Adebayo - (Cote D'ivoire/Ivory Coast)
Adekusibe Adewale Adesanya - (Egypt ‒ Mobile Nr)
John Colbert AKA David Canizaro AKA Destiny Cole - (France ‒ mobile nr)
Scammer name unknown - (Hungary)
Gerry Armstrong - + (Liberia)
Barrister Toaureed Ahmed Esq - + (Malaysia)
Youssef Raddane - (Morocco)
John Colbert AKA David Canizaro AKA Destiny Cole - (Netherlands)
Jean Pierre AKA Phillip AKA Pierre John - (Netherlands)
Valentina Antonova AKA Irina Polushina - (Russia)
John Colbert AKA Destiny Cole AKA Tom Cole AKA Adriano Gatuso - (Russia)
Francis Metobi - (Singapore)
Frank Tutu - (Fax Number - South Africa)
Morris B - (Spain)
Kevin Simone - + (Switzerland)
Chin Achara - (Thailand)
Rachid (Tunisia)
Mark Ray Humphrey - (Ukraine)
Dr Sam Charles - (Unknown Location)
James Cole - (Unknown Location)

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
6/16/2008 2:17 pm

Nigerian Numbers - +234

Abimbola Kazzedem AKA Micheal Van Perie

Abiola SoSoLa AKA Rose Alex
Ad Dike AKA Don
AjayI Lucy Adedayo AKA Lucy Nelson
Anderson Brown
Andrew Nelson (Koraair “reality agent” )
Andrew "Dino" Newell
Andy Martins
Andy Nolan AkA Anthony Nolan
Anelka richards
Anthony Fortune Bowser AKA Samuel
Babatunde Jegede
Bernard Forsyth
Bill Owen AKA George Harry Crucio
Bolaij Ramson AKA Banji Olo
Calvin Stewart
Cathy Aubertine AKA Cathy Snow AKA Akinyomi Olumide:
Charles Tompkins
Chase Collins
Christopher Gardner
Cole Madison AKA David Idoho
Cole Martin
Collard Freeman
Collins Anderson
Craig Carson
Craig Simmons
Cristina Valencia Curtis Ferdinand
Dan Van Der Griff Daniel Craig AKA Kevin Chris
Daniel Scott
Daniel Smith
David Alexandros
David Douglas
David Gall
David Nickson David Scott
Davis Joens AKA Jeff Seimon Dean Roberts
Deluxe Travel Agency (Oliver Ferdinand) Denis Webber AKA Thomas Jire Stephens
Dennis Rodney
Derick Malvin AKA Del Diana E Jones
Don Nelson
Donard Richard
Dorphine Edward
Dr Mike Chase
Dr Wilson
Drice Michael Lewis
Duff Colman Ivry AKA Henry Adeola
Eddie Brown
Elias Davidson
Elizabeth Nichole Williams
Emmanuel Juwon AKA Emmanuel James Owen - Eric James - Eric Neal -
Ernest Igbinevbo -
Evangelist associated with "Don" - "Flight Agency" -
Frank Terry Anderson Frank Derache AKA Franklin Derache - Frank John Smith AKA Michael Cole -
Frank Taylor -
Frank Tutu -
Frank Wayne -
Gatron David Jones -
George Benson
Gift Owens
Gilbert Murray Greg David
Heart Hotel, Lagos
Helena Josh
Henry Cole
Henry Nicolas Hogas Hotel Lagos
Howard McClaren
Jacob Eissenhower
Jamaine Vogel James Brown
James C Foster (claims to be with British Airways Nigeria) James Carlos
James Morgan AKA Temilade Adams AKA Haliru Olakunie Olagboye James Richards James Williams Harris
Jamie Curtis AKA Ken Anderson AKA Tunbosun Abioye
Jason Cleeves jr. AKA Sammy Collins +Jason Murphy Jennifer Williams
Jenny T Fitzgerald
Jerry Greenberg
Jessica Browne Joe Cole Joe Owens
John Colbert AKA David Canizaro AKA Destiny Cole ++John Robert McBee AKA “Tarzan”
Johny Smith AKA Jerry Potter
Joseph Johnson
Josehpedia Josephat Julian Ashton Juwon Emmanuel
Kay George
Kelly Johnson
Kelvin Williams AKA Kelvin Gatuso 9149
Kennedy Ned AKA Lucas Darlington AKA Mark Wasbund AKA Raymond Wales
Kenny John Becker AKA Kenny John Baker Kingsley Smart Ebbi +234
Kobi Black
Kross Anderson
Larry Johnson
Larry Paul AKA Larry Isa
Laurel Phillips
Lauren Lampard
Lawrence Dave
Lawrence Soulier

Linda Brown
Louis Lewis
Lucy Nelcon AKA Lucy Nelson
Marc Desmond AKA Romeo
Marcus Warder
Mark Brain AKA Mark Smith Martins
Mark Emmy
Martins Gerald
Martins Johnson
Matthew Smith
Michael Cole
Michael Dooney
Michael Usman
Mike Owen AKA Rheymon Davis Michael Welsh
Mike Steve
Monica Morgan AKA Minica Agbeve
Morris Wiga
Motherland Travellers (“travel agency”
Nathan Cole
Nelson Gibson
Nick Julius
Ojo Joseph
Ola Hamza
Olasimbo H Olawunmi AKA Rita Lena
Olayiwola Johnson
Oluwaseun Jones
Oluwashina Agbeye
Owen Durglas
Pastor associated with “Don”
Patrick Bellamy
Paul B Williams -
Paul Kalvin McBain
Raphael David -
Raymond Wales AKA Lucas Darlington
Rebecca Williams

Richard Cirsalli
Richard Evans
Richard Obe
Robert Samson
Robert Wade (also has Justine Coleman as female persona) Rocky Collins -
Roland Stanley
Roland Waterose 62
Roland Wood
Rose Roy
Sammie Martins
Saviola Jeffery

Scott Koffelyn
Sean Charles Barnet
Sean Henry
Sergio Roberto
Smith Anthony Meadows AKA Smith Meadows AKA Adeleye Gbenga Susan Lambert AKA Wale Sanni
Stan AKA Stanley Odozi AKA Frederick Odozi
Steawart Goerge AKA Stewart George
Susan Bright
Terry M Coleman
Terry Perry
Terry Wood
Theresa Harewood
Tina Roberts
“Towers Hospital”
Tracey Hole AKA Terry Allen
Victor Anderson
Victoria Benny
William Albert
Wilmer Hayes Zeine
Robert Bill

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
6/28/2008 7:59 am

sounds like a scammer to me...just ignore them and report them

Hidden_Treasure 67F

6/28/2008 10:46 am

the "biblicalfaith" guy did me too

Jn:14:15: If ye love me, keep my commandments. --Jesus.

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
6/28/2008 11:57 am

that stinks. I am sorry

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
6/28/2008 4:47 pm

its better to err on the wrong side than to err at all

lovemesc 66F

4/13/2009 4:38 pm

Thanks for the info and names on scammers. I've actually gotten pretty good at spotting one immediately. I just don't respond. We cannot control what individuals do in this world.

God Bless,


Armando2518 46M

8/5/2011 2:55 pm

I'm new in this website and really i think that i have been bad luck
i found only scammer
but i,m not sure if i can expose their profile
and the last one is this