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Tropical_Man 68M
6573 posts
12/30/2007 6:04 am

One former employee of Focus on the Family has coined the term "Dobsonology":

"Dobsonology is a mixture of psychology, humanism, New Age, political activism and ecumenism packed in a silver box of morality; it is tied with a golden ribbon of assorted Scriptures -- not necessarily in context. It is being sold to the Christian Community in lieu of Biblical authority through sound doctrine by James Dobson and his Focus On The Family Organization."

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
12/30/2007 6:06 am

The following quote from The Christian Counselor's Manual by Dr. Jay E. Adams (pp. 82-83), best describes Dobson's child-rearing "system":

"... Dobson ... recommends strictly behavioristic methods for child raising in the name of Christianity ... His near total capitulation to behaviorism is couched in Christian terms but really introduces an equally godless system into the Christian home while purporting to be a Christian reaction to permissiveness ... Reward and punishment are prominent (particularly the former), and the need for structure is emphasized. But Dobson's approach is cold and godless. It centers upon manipulation but says nothing of biblical confrontation. Conspicuously absent in such child discipline is the use of the Scriptures, conversion, repentance, the work of the Holy Spirit, and sanctification. ... Biblical persuasion, conviction, and personal commitment are ignored." (Emphasis added

selah62 62M

12/30/2007 7:44 am

There are probably a lot of people on here who like Dr. Dobson's ministry but the truth is Christianity and psychology do not mix. Christianity is God centered. Psychology is man centered. Having said that, man cannot solve the problems of man only God can do this. God heals the body, soul and mind. Yes we need doctors too but psychologists attempt to do the work in a person's life that only God can do.

I know that a lot of ministers have adopted psychology but this is just a symtom of why there chaos in the church today. So many ministers no longer preach the true Gospel message anymore. More Christians would realize this if we would be reading the Bible more regularly (and I'm not talking about some cheezy paraphrase bible which is no real bible at all), but this present generation doesn't read as much as the previous generations did. That's why the church today is taken in by so much false doctrine such as "Purpose Driven Life" or by so-called preachers like Joel Osteen who do not preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Mr. Osteen refuses to preach the blood of Jesus for fear that he may offend someone. The true Gospel of Jesus Christ is suppose to be an offense!

The Psychologist says we can solve our own problems, but the Bible says, The only way to God the Father is through Christ the Son; the only to Christ the Son is through the Cross; the only way to the Cross is through the denial of self. Man's problem is self. What I have said I said is not popular today, but we are not called to be popular, we called to be faithful.

~ Believe His Word and trust His grace ~

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
12/31/2007 6:02 am

very good points, and Dobsons' only focus is on esteem, and changing that which is the opposite of scriptures which point to us having our identity in Christ.