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replacements for mind altering drugs For several years now many of you have asked me(Dr Tracey) repeatedly to post on our site the information necessary to know how to find alternative treatments to help after being on antidepressants. I have spent years looking for various natural non-toxic answers to rebuild health after damage caused by these drugs. VITAMIN/MINERAL PRODUCTS: When SSRIs impair one's ability to metabolize serotonin I find that they also generally deplete vitamin and minerals from the body by interfering with metabolism. Nurses have also voiced their concern to me about this aspect of the drugs - especially when they are being taken by pregnant women who so desperately need all the nutrition they can get. I always recommend taking a good, easy to assimilate vitamin/mineral supplement after using mind altering medications. The following has information on one of the vitamin/mineral supplements I have found to be very helpful. Our director in Arizona overcame 22 years of anorexia using these products - something doctors told her could never happen. (google Reliv Products) These are powerful powdered vitamin/mineral supplements making them nutrients that are both easy to take and easy to assimilate. They have been used with excellent results by those dying from malnutrition in third world countries. Many of those recovering from the damage caused by mind altering medications are reporting excellent results with these nutritional products in stopping panic or anxiety attacks, OCD symptoms, Tourettes, anorexia, balancing blood sugar levels, etc. Most begin with the basic products Classic and Energize (absolutely no stimulants). See their personal experiences with these products listed below and more posted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Nathan Gibb. I was diagnosed hypo-manic over ten years ago which, as I understand it, is a tamer version of manic-depressive. I had been taking a medication called Wellbutrin to manage the low end of the mood swings where I spent most of the time. Within the last couple of years I took a position with a company who offered no health insurance and so from month to month it was often impossible to stay consistent with the meds. My experience on Wellbutrin was that I was maintaining a quality of life that was about 75% of how I felt before I began experiencing depression symptoms in my 20's. I began the Reliv products in Nov 2001 and immediately began sleeping better and experiencing more energy. At about six weeks the depression that I was mired in began to lift. I have steadily improved over the last year and feel that I am able to handle stress, avoid debilitating lows that used to negatively impact my work and home life, and I have hope and a quality of life I have missed since I was in my 20's. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Jenny McKinney. I am 26 and a stay-at-home mother of three boys, ages 5, 4, and 1 year. I was diagnosed with clinical depression in August of 1995. I was suicidal and depressed when I was prescribed the anti-depressant, Paxil. My mood swings were already out of control, but worsened after taking Paxil. I was told I would not see results for at least three weeks after beginning the drug. Within three days, my sister, whom was pregnant and I roomed with at the time, said if I did not get off the drug immediately, I was to find another place to live, because she would not have that baby with me in the home. On Paxil, my mood swings increased greatly to the point I was sugar sweet one minute and violently psychotic the next. I was always nauseated, dizzy, and blacking out. To this day I cannot remember everything that went on at that time in my life. I was only on the drug for 2 weeks and quit cold turkey without consulting my psychiatrist. I tried to handle life without any kind of meds, but over the next few years tried many herbals, including licorice root, St. John's Wort, and SamE. I struggled over the next few years with my depression and anxiety, as I married and had . I tried counseling, different herbs, and much, much prayer. There were even a couple of times when the doctors wanted to institutionalize me. In spite of all my efforts, after having the rage really set in. I was constantly yelling at my , then 3 years and 18 months. I knew I was out of control with my depression and anger when my second splashed in the bathtub and I spanked his bottom, several times, extremely hard, then sat and cried for hours over doing it. I was truly fearful that I would end up seriously hurting my if I did not get help. Later in the week, my boys and I went to visit family out of state. My mother-in-law introduced me to Reliv when I arrived. As soon as she heard about it, she knew it was what I needed to get better. That was all I needed to hear. I began on Reliv Classic and Innergize immediately. I was taking them two times a day. By the third day, the same sister noticed the difference in me when I had not had my product. By the end of my two-week stay, I had not yelled at my once. I have since then had another , and am able to handle life wonderfully, when I am consistent in taking these products. The best part, is knowing that as long as I am taking Reliv, my are not afraid of me anymore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Lori White. I live in Sandy, Utah, and am a mother of 5 , and grandmother of 7. After being married for 12 years, I became a single mom for the next 9 years, during which time I had 4 teenagers at the same time. Depression runs in my family, and after a very difficult divorce, I found myself spending a lot of time in bed, especially when the were in school. It was hard to cope with life, and I cried easily and found it difficult to stop crying. Eventually I found a wonderful man and remarried, but every time there was a problem with one of the , I would sink back into a depression. If I dropped the off at school and one of them said, "Duh, Mom!" , I would shrink into myself, feel very incapable, and wonder what I had done to have my hate me so much! My doctor took pity on me, and put me on Prozac 8 years ago. When I was on the medication, I felt wonderful! I had NO problems!! And neither did anyone else! I was not affected by anyone else's sad life or situations, and didn't, couldn't, cry. After being on the medication for 6 years, I was introduced to a wonderful product, Classic, made by the Reliv company. After taking it for 6 months, I decided to go off the Prozac, which I did over a 3 week period. I found that I could cry again, could sympathize with others, and feel sad, but it didn't last--I could stop crying, and I could feel happy again when I chose to. I have been off Prozac now for 2 1/2 years, and just don't have the cloud of gloom sitting on my shoulder that I had before going on it. When something sad or difficult happens in my life, it doesn't bury me--I may cry, go to bed really feeling down, but when I wake up in the morning, I am fine--able to cope and put the problem in perspective. Sincerely, Lori ------- Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment I have been talking about hyperbaric for some time, but seeing these brain scans before and after is amazing! --Dr. Ann Tracy Google: International Hyperbaric Medical Association Dr. Harch is the leading expert in the US on hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The following are case reports with brain scans before and after treatment for various ailments. It is amazing to see and even more amazing to experience. Earlier this year I sent Dr. Harch the most difficult patient I have seen in the past 15 years. It was a worst case senario - a patient on Paxil for six years at double the maximum dose (120mg) who came off "cold turkey". I have never seen anyone alive in such bad shape. After he saw Dr. Harch the change was DRAMATIC to say the least!! I have never found anything better for a patient in "cold turkey" withdrawal from an antidepressant than hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Certainly it is very important to follow the other guidelines in the "Help! I Can't Get Off My Antidepressant!" tape to rebuild, but for acute situations hyperbaric certainly seems to be the answer. THERAPUTIC AROMATHERAPY OILS If you have read my book you know that I mention aromatherapy oils as a very effective treatment in rebuilding after using antidepressants. I explain my own reservations at first but go on to explain how my look at the scientific research on the oils helped me to see how they can be so very effective in rebuilding after the damage done by these antidepressants. I use ONLY theraputic grade oils as others have been processed with chemicals - the last thing someone in trouble on these drugs would want to be exposed to! There are several of the oils I personally will not be without. I feel they are essential to the well being of my family and save us thousands in medical bills. I have witnessed miraculous results with these oils over the years and what a wonderful way to smell your way to wellness! As I mention in my book and tape Bergmot has been used for years for mania, as well as depression. Two combinations of oils that oil is found in are Joy or Gentle Baby. And I have seen little better for cancer than frankensence oil. But more information can be found in my book or tape or CD on how to come off antidepressants. The following is Merrill Osmond's story from the 3/04 issue of UT Health Magazine about his long term use of medications and his journey back to health using Young Living Oils: OVERVIEW: Stress, depression, stokes and a host of health professionals pumping his body with a buffet of chemicals took its toll. “They were telling me it was possible to completely get off the stuff I had been on since I was twenty one! Getting off the Lithium alone was a real no-no. My doctors would have killed me. It’s what was maintaining my moods and controlling my depression. The whole borderline diabetes Glucophage® thing was another huge issue. “Here I was listening to these physicians who were telling of other breakthroughs and new ideas. They told me it was between me and my family and God, but emphasized that they really could help me go in a new direction. ‘We can help you, Merrill,’ they kept telling me. “I said, ‘Okay. I’ll give it a shot.’ “I will swear to you on a stack of everything I know to be true, that I’m off of everything, and have been for over six months!” exclaims Osmond. “I’ve had all my tests updated, and I’m not a hundred percent yet, but I do feel one hundred percent better. I feel so great. And I’m much better off now, too. I’m drug free and I’m sleeping well,” boasts Osmond. And the depression? “Absolutely under control. I’m getting around better and functioning better than ever and handling more stress than ever. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leslie Judd's Story My name is Leslie Judd and I appreciate the opportunity to tell you my story. I recently had a major life change which came about because of information that was passed on to me by Young Living Essential Oils. Eleven years ago, I experienced some serious depression which I now recognize was most likely post-partum depression, since it began following the birth of my third . The condition was serious enough to cause me to be unable to function normally. After a visit to the doctor, I came home with a prescription for Prozac, and this was the beginning of a ten-year nightmare. Within the first few days, I began having hallucinations and hearing voices, but had no relief from the depression. At my next appointment, the doctor prescribed Paxil and Trazodone. Temporarily, it seemed to help with the depression, but I was a zombie all of the time. I felt like I had a hangover every morning. With Paxil and all of the anti-depressants I took from then on, I had what is called a withdrawal or "wear-off" effect, which means that my body soon adjusted to the new dosage and then I would need a higher dosage. Symptoms of this effect were electrical sensations throughout my body, shudders and whoosh sound with every move. Also, a trailing feeling when I moved or turned my head. This increased until the doctor would change my medication and I would begin the cycle again. I began fluctuating between depression and hypomania. The therapist I started seeing referred me to a psychiatrist, who put me on a fairly low dose of Zoloft. My initial diagnosis was Major Depressive Disorder, but soon became Dysthymia, or severe mood disorder. After trying different antidepressants, like Effexor, Serzone (now off the market due to the fact that it causes liver failure) and Wellbutrin, all of which gave only temporary relief, she decided to try lithium because my symptoms had become like that of a bipolar patient. So now the diagnosis had become Bipolar II Disorder. Next, the doctor decided to experiment with different types of drugs such as anti-seizure medications (such as Topamax, Depakote, Lamictal and Neurotin) and anti-psychotics (such as Risperdal, Sroquel, and Zyprexa), which caused me to have a multitude of other side-effects such as tremors, visual disturbances, anxiety and nervous problems for which I was prescribed benzodiazepines. Guess what? I became even more depressed and I was more ill than I had ever been before in my life. The inherent back problem I have had since I was a was now getting worse. The medications decreased my pain tolerance. I developed fibromyalgia. I became obsessed with illness and with pain. I gained an excessive amount of weight. I also began behaving impulsively, lost interest in relationships and developed social phobias such as agoraphobia (fear of public places, not wanting to leave home). I would panic in crowds, break out in a sweat, and collapse in terror. I could not feel joy or affection, and didn't want anyone to touch me. I became obsessed with death. Sometimes, I cried uncontrollably without knowing why. I felt like I was a burden to everybody. I spoke with slurred speech, couldn't find words and had loss of memory. The tremors became so severe that I could no longer write a check or sign my name. This only led to more anti-social behavior and self isolation. Every month when I went to my doctor, my medication and dosage were changed. There was a point during the ten years that I realized the medication was making me sick, especially when I got lithium toxicity. My body was holding on to all fluid, I was bloated beyond recognition, my pupils were dilated (one more than the other), I started to get panicky and I had constant nausea and severe headaches along with other symptoms which alarmed my husband, and he called my doctor, who told me to stop taking the medication immediately. This stopped the toxicity from progressing, but the immediate withdrawal caused me to crash into an even deeper depression. More medication, without relief. More suicidal ideation. Alcohol binges. When I was released and came home, I was worse than ever. I was having hallucinations. I shook uncontrollably, which was actually a side effect of anti-seizure medications, and I had to move my legs constantly. My eyes were dead and I had absolutely no energy and no desire to do anything. I felt empty. My family rallied to get me back on my feet and friends brought dinner to help out. It was as if I was seeing things from outside of my body, but I actually remember very little from this time period. An attempted suicide made for my second hospital stay, where I was humiliated in front of other patients by psychiatric techs, after which I made another attempt to end my life while I was still in the hospital. To get out of the hospital, I lied by telling them I felt better. Eight days later, I went home on new drugs. After two weeks at home, I was back in the hospital for another eight days. I was so out of it. I felt like I was in a vacuum. I did things contrary to my nature, not even thinking of the consequences. Nothing mattered. On leaving the hospital following my third stay, I was told that my diagnosis was Bipolar II, Panic and Anxiety Disorder, PRSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and Borderline Personality Disorder with psychotic episodes. It seemed that I would just get worse and never be well again. Back home, my family searched for answers. Our good friends, Brian and Barb Kuckuck, went to a Young Living convention in California and returned with help -- an audio tape and a book by Dr. Ann Blake Tracy. The tape opened our eyes to the destruction that these drugs can cause in people's lives. Today, I know that I have a disposition towards depression, but I am not bipolar. I am not psychotic and I do not have a borderline personality disorder. My mental and physical disorders were caused primarily by the medication I was given by my doctors. I lost ten years of my life. I followed Dr. Tracy's guidelines for tapering off of the medication and I have been using the Cortistop and other YL supplements as well as essential oils, particularly Valor, Clarity and Peace and Calming, without which I know it would have been much more difficult to break free from the drugs. The weaning process can last up to two years, but it is worth it. Today, I have been completely free of my medications for five months. Although I still have some residual side effects, I am living my life again and enjoying it. I thank Young Living and Dr. Ann Blake Tracy for making me aware, I thank my husband and for their untiring love and patience, thanks to my family for their persistence and love in searching for something to help. I appreciate my friends, who were there for me even though I didn't know it and I especially thank my faith for giving me the strength and courage to succeed. For more information on the essential oils discussed here, see Dr. Tracy's book, Prozac, Panacea or Pandora? - Our Serotonin Nightmare and her tape or CD entitled, "Help! I Can't Get Off My Antidepressant". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
The Feingold Association - Nutritional Approach See Website...........ask me questions if you have any. *********************** Exercise - Join a gym, go to a community center exercise room they are free. Walk outside. Go to the high school tracks and when one is boring, go to another one. ********************** Volunteer and help others. That will make you feel better. ********************* Be a friend and recognize the symptoms in another friend and drag them out of the house, start off by making them laugh to feel better about themselves. When you get to that "dark" place it's hard to even want to shower and sleep is the only answer that you can think of. Pray and try to help your friends out!! * Sin is sin. Careful what comes across your lips & out your finger tips!!! * We are all the Body of Christ. Let's treat each other as such, with the same respect we give to HIM!! * Relationship advice: DO NOT make someone a PRIORITY, when they ONLY make you an OPTION!! * A woman's heart should be so lost in God, that a man has to seek HIM in order to find her!!
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yes and that is all part of a normal emotional cycle Dealing with it properly on your own is what keeps a person from sucumbing