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Tropical_Man 68M
6573 posts
12/25/2007 6:42 am
Got Milk?

The Holliday season is the time of year when many people get to enjoy their families. The wonderful memories.

Its also for many people the most depressing time of the year. Reminders of failed relationships and many things such as friends and loved ones who are no longer with them.

That is why I write about the destruction and the cover up regarding many lies and cover ups. For years the ciggarette companies got by with nicotine as an addition added to their product. It is a well known fact now that they have done this.

That is why I put up the Myth of the chemical imbalance and how the findings are now that the antidepressants do not create a balance in the brain. They simply medicate people with drugs that are all damaging to the brain and various internal organs in a permanant nature.

There was a scientific claim years ago that a homosexual's brain waws formed differently than a heterosexual's brain. People believed this because some scientist said it. It holds no facts and has been refuted in the scientific world, yet people will believe this line of garbage.

Its the same way with the chemical imbalance. I shared a writing from someone in the field explaining it is not even pushed in the field anymore because it can not be proven in any way that it balances chemical levels. But it does medicate. Thats it. Yet people who do not take the time to educate themselves want to stupidly argue. I took the time to educate myself on this subject.

Scientifically they researched brain scans and the claimed ability to detect depression on the brain. Once again, just as in the homosexual brain claim, it was scientifically to hold no sustanance. No basis and yet you go by hearsay. The scientific and medical world say, no... no basis.

The scientific world has proclaimed all antidepressants do cause permanant brain damage.FACT

They have also determined these drugs cause mental conditions and imbalances that lead to many violent issues including acting out dreams that are usually violent.

My friends was 9 when she was molested at our church by the youth pastor. This went on for 4 years. They moved to NC. She finally told them what had happened. That pastor was convicted and in prison.

The girl never got better. They gave her drug after antidepressant drug. The last ones they gave her when she was 23 killed her. Her heart stopped.

My sister had a very good mind. She has been on anti-depressants since high school. She has slowly changed in a bad way to the poinr of just being lost. She no longer talks with any family members and isolates herself. Her health has been shaky for years. All of these indicators are warnings on SSRI drugs.

I have a friend whose dad was a very bad alchoholic. He joined the mormon church and stopped drinking. That is a good thing, but she wont receive Christ because she sees how her father changed. They will end up in hell one day because of never receiving Christ because some group helped him overcome an addiction.

Because a condition is altered by drugs, that makes it good when the drugs always cause permanant brain damage when taken for long periods of time?

One company paid out 100 million dollars a year in damage suits over the last decade. They didnt care because they sold 4.2 Billion dollars of the drug.

Ask yourself why drug companies loby and fight to keep warnings off of the labels of the side effects.

Ask yourself why there are more drugstores in America than McDonalds.

Ask yourself why, when the detective work is done that the school shooters such as the Va Tech murderer were all on anti-depressants? He was even reportedly acting much worse since he had started taking them.

are affected 4 times the amout of adults with ridilin.

Suicides are much higher than anyone not taking ant-depressants.

Doctors and Psychologists/Psychiatrists are all getting paid thousands of dollars each by pharacuedical companies to prescribe these drugs.

If you are just trying to be like Jesus I can understand why Jesus doesnt work for you. Then you are living for salvation.

But, if you are abiding in the Vine, the powerscource of Jesus is living through you and your yoke is light because you have his.

So what do we trust? Is it Jesus who says he will never leave you. But he also doesnt promise you a flowery life. But he also says he will be with you always.

The Gospel has always been promoted in the word of god. Not alternatives. Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud both renounced Christ. Their "Psychology" is based on the ultimate good is found in man. That man can always improve upom the person that he is. Gnoicism. Not Christianity. It hates Christianity.

Christianity is a man taking away the sin of the world, so that anyone that recognizes they had sin and that it separated them from God; repented and received the forgiveness of sin. Then they are born again in their spirit man. It is us being a branch on the vine of Jesus. Him living through us.

God accepts us as we are. The Holy Spirit is given to comfort us. To teach us all things.He sends peace that passes understanding if we will receive it.We can also have joy if we receive that.

Do you remember the report? One said there are Giants in the land. The other said that it was the promised land and we can go in and take it.

Sadness is a difficult thing. But the Lord also says that there will be seasons in our lives. It is important to understand which season that you are in. God is with you. Its like the man who climged the mountain and was stuck. He cried out is anyone up there. He heard a voice that said...I am. God. He said ohhhh God! Great! What do you want me to do. Just let Go...God said. Is there anyone else up there? the man said.

Some trust in horses and some trust in charriots but I will trust in the lord my God. There are many places out there that help you ween yourself from these dangerous mind altering drugs.

Tropical_Man 68M
6389 posts
12/25/2007 11:36 am

these drugs are not your answer

(Ginny )
3657 posts
12/25/2007 11:02 pm

Please go to the website Feingold dot org. The Feingold Association. Take a look at it and maybe get a membership packet for your Sister. I know they primarily gear towards children but adults who follow it in the household for the sake of the children find they are so much better on it and didn't even realize how much it would impact their lives for the better.

It's so easy to do. All the products are listed. It's a no brainer. Store brands, not all pricey health food stuff. Just "specific" brands is all it is to change your life. I can help fine tune it if results don't show. That's my job as well. Been doing this so long. Although you and your sister live in another area, so my brands may not match yours, but it's all listed by region to make your life so much easier.

Consider it. It really has changed so many lives.

"Hard" was the way they were living before finding this nutritional approach.

I can see why this is so personal to you. I UNDERSTAND!!!!!

I will pray for you, your sister, your friends.

It's not an easily life dealing with these situations, but it CAN be more pleasurable and SIMPLE and wonderful!!! Trust me, from experience and helping countless other, it's worth it. Your sister is worth it!!

Prayer is powerful!!!!

Blessings and peace,

* Sin is sin. Careful what comes across your lips & out your finger tips!!!
* We are all the Body of Christ. Let's treat each other as such, with the same respect we give to HIM!!
* Relationship advice: DO NOT make someone a PRIORITY, when they ONLY make you an OPTION!!
* A woman's heart should be so lost in God, that a man has to seek HIM in order to find her!!

(Ginny )
3657 posts
12/25/2007 11:07 pm

For some it's temporary following strict "Stage One". For others like my family it was just short term. We try to chose healthy but we don't have to follow. The rough patch for us was over. The nutritional approached worked for us.

For your adult sister it will be a piece of cake, trust me. Because she is an adult, the will hopefully want to stay strict because she WILL feel better and not want to go back to the life before the diet.

Hey it's worth a shot, what do you have to lose?

* Sin is sin. Careful what comes across your lips & out your finger tips!!!
* We are all the Body of Christ. Let's treat each other as such, with the same respect we give to HIM!!
* Relationship advice: DO NOT make someone a PRIORITY, when they ONLY make you an OPTION!!
* A woman's heart should be so lost in God, that a man has to seek HIM in order to find her!!