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The Chemical Imbalance Myth THE CHEMICAL IMBALANCE MYTH Although each of the SSRI manufacturers admit they do not know how their respective drugs work, each claim that they help to correct a chemical imbalance of the brain. The assumption for each of these drugs is that if a person is depressed (each and every depressed person), they have a reduced number of neurotransmitters in the brain called serotonin. As one well-known psychiatrist put it: “[SSRIs] are not correcting a biochemical imbalance, these drugs create severe imbalances in the brain. ... The idea that human suffering, psychological suffering, is biochemical is strictly a promotional campaign, perhaps the most successful in the history of the world, created by the drug companies. We do not even have a technology, a scientific technology, for measuring what happens inside the brain ... it is literally a fabrication.” The next time you see a Zoloft, Prozac, or Paxil commercial, watch carefully. You will see that, when the drug company explains that depression is a serious medical illness caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, it will be prefaced with the word "may" i.e., "depression may be caused by a biochemical imbalance in the brain." They must preface this statement with "may" because this theory has not been scientifically established. This unproven theory has been propagated by the pharmaceutical industry in order to sell psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs. In May 2003, GlaxoSmithKline (“GSK”, the maker of Paxil, announced in Ireland (The Irish Times, Saturday May 10, 2003) that it was withdrawing claims contained in Paxil (called Seroxat in Ireland and the UK) brochures that the drug worked by normalizing the levels of serotonin. GSK was forced to acknowledge that the link between depression and serotonin levels is unproven and that its claims “were not consistent with the scientific literature.” If your doctor tells you that these drugs will correct an imbalance in your brain chemicals, please realize that more than likely your doctor got this from drug company representatives as part of the drug companies’ marketing activities. There is no scientific evidence to support such a statement. Just because you are depressed does not mean that there is something wrong with your brain chemicals. |
XXX XXX XXX XXX A child is born! Merry Christmas! Dennis (¯`•♥•´¯) ¤`•.♥.•´ ¤ (¯`•♥•´¯)
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and to you too
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As one well-known psychiatrist put it: “[SSRIs] are not correcting a biochemical imbalance, these drugs create severe imbalances in the brain. ... The idea that human suffering, psychological suffering, is biochemical is strictly a promotional campaign, perhaps the most successful in the history of the world, created by the drug companies. We do not even have a technology, a scientific technology, for measuring what happens inside the brain ... it is literally a fabrication.” Not entirely true. Not a fabrication at all. There certainly is technology but there are very specific and specialized technology that Insurance Companies won't pay for and if they were to send everyone they put on meds to get this testing, it would be impossible. But it most certainly is out there. I know this for a fact because we were privy to several tests and proof be known. I know of so many cases where the situation turned out to be organic, a physical ailment that would have gone unattended if they just took the meds and left. Case 1: Male 42 years old, otherwise healthy, blood pressure and cholesteral issues but not wacky. He had a neck injury in High School football and had numbness going down his arms. Had depression that came on but thought it was years of dysfunctional childhood and his drive and perservering to go from nothing to Vice President of his company making more money than anyone would dream of making. I am glad I told him how proud I was of him before he got sick because he knew I meant it and it was not a pity statement. His depression got deeper and thoughts of suicidal nature streamed thru his thoughts, came to talk to me about it because he was scared to tell anyone else and it was frightening him. Turns out that he has an autoimmune disease that no one detected. Tumors in his C1,2,3,4 cervical spine. Inoperable. Lungs and internal tumors are forming throughout his body. Conventional treatment not shrinking. Can not walk with out a walker and its getting difficult to speak. He will most likely die when the tumors take over the vital organs and probably will not live long past 45. Case 2 - male age 3-5 - Cerebral Palsy symptoms type muscle weakness, behavior, intermitent rage episodes, almost like he would disappear into rage like physical fits. When they were over, didn't know where they were or what happened. Didn't know what was happening and blinked eyes as if to "wake up". Intollerance to heat, hunger, motion sickness, music, noise. Sounds like a severe disability, eh? Test results, incomplete mylen on MRI. Uneven size of both sides of brain, one side larger than the other. 42 potential epilepsy spikes in 13 hours, yet no epilepsy, high lactate level, positive sweat test. Flat lined on a QSART tests and Thermal Sweat test. Hystimine over produced when Central Nervous System is stimulated. There were also chemical changes to Brain under stimulation in an MRI. There are most certainly ways to test for Brain Hormonal Secretions and abnormalities, you just have to know the extremely rare Dr. that specializes in these things and the general public doesn't have access to this or the Dr that doesn't take the time to see if its Biological and not just all Neurological and if it is Neuro - than what is triggering it. There are so many things I can go on and on and present here like certain foods that cross the blood/brain barrier after ingestion and digestion but UNLESS YOU KNOW how this process works and what foods change the chemical secretion in the brain you will believe these type articles. 12 years doing this and it took so many years and many speakers, Drs. specialists and case studies for me to finally get it and I am constantly learning every day. But blanket farce statements are dangerous for people who believe every word they ever read just because it's one expert and that just get's me every time. However, I must say that I do agree that the companies pan handle these drugs like candy and do not for sure know that they pin point. Lot's of times they give a drug for one illness and then find it helps another by "ACCIDENT". Next thing you know people are taking blood pressure meds for ADD and Depression meds for correction on vision center abnomalities and sleeping aides. And if that doesn't work, well, they'll just write you out a prescription for 2 other drugs. They do play very loosely with fire, I agree. It's easier that way. How many woman are told everything if "HORMONIAL" (She says pulling her hair out!! ARGH - yes, can you tell I hate that) But seriously because you are a woman, it MUST be all hormonal!!!!! I can tell you stories after stories. Those are just 2 cases that personally touched my life and I could go on and on but I won't. But where are you getting these articles - are they cut and past or things you truly believe? You are flooding the Blogs with such a topic today of all days.........The Birth of the King of Kings? Just wondering why today of all days you are flooding us with all this??? * Sin is sin. Careful what comes across your lips & out your finger tips!!! * We are all the Body of Christ. Let's treat each other as such, with the same respect we give to HIM!! * Relationship advice: DO NOT make someone a PRIORITY, when they ONLY make you an OPTION!! * A woman's heart should be so lost in God, that a man has to seek HIM in order to find her!!
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Are you doing research. Has this subject touched your life or a loved ones? Is there something I can do to help you find any answer's. The stream you are posting today looks like you are doing research on this subject and then just flooding the post with info you are finding. What is the story Dennis. I have much experience with this, can I help or if I can't I might be able to find someone who can. Or are you doing Public Service Announcements to inform people?? Just wondering what's going on - so many with similar themes. Let me know if I can be of help in any way Blessings, Ginny * Sin is sin. Careful what comes across your lips & out your finger tips!!! * We are all the Body of Christ. Let's treat each other as such, with the same respect we give to HIM!! * Relationship advice: DO NOT make someone a PRIORITY, when they ONLY make you an OPTION!! * A woman's heart should be so lost in God, that a man has to seek HIM in order to find her!!